Experiential Learning: The E in SETH
The period of the Renaissance, is a period of experiential learning, people explored and educated themselves via travel
This tool is designed with the main objective of encouraging students to continuously anticipate and participate in learning. Students learning at different ability and pace will be fueled to learn more effortlessly.
To simplify: Experiential Learning is the process of teaching students out of the classroom - with respect to their subjects - in an environment completely relevant and connected to the subject. Students whom are learning plant anatomy, for example, will learn the most monotonous and the text book criven details at a botanical garden with a botanist. Via this method of delivery, we attempt to make the most boring part of the lesson full of experiences, where the child will use their 6 main sensory functions to learn this monotonous and tedious lesson. By doing so, we create an environment where the children exercise their 6 main sensory function to imprint these lessons in their memory. Teaching them lessons which they will never forget.
For ages between 2 and 5 years old, Experiential Learning will occur in the classroom. Interactive learning provoking the 6 main sensory functions can equally happen in classroom. Role plays, students as teachers and teachers as students are part of experiential teaching. By this note, we are able to quickly check whether the students managed to grasp the lesson taught.
Games playing (be them indoor or outdoor), and cookery are some of our tools, we use to deliver Experiential Learning. Never should a child be left alone to their own demise. We ensure all the students receive teachings and are able to retain the lessons taught.