Policy and Philosophy Unit

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Dr. Khong Yoon Loong

Dr. Khong’s experience in areas of cutting-edge scientific research, education, management and administration in several countries has shaped his views on educating for this age of rapid advancement of technology. Firstly, he believes the traditional system of teacher centric learning is no longer the most efficient way to learn. He also believes that increasingly, the ownership for learning is on the learner and less on the teacher; hence the important skill of knowledge management for all learners and the motivational skills rather than didactic skill of the teacher should be elements emphasized in an education system. In his view, the ability to learn independently will be a key determinant for the success of an individual. He sees the transition is underway where technology will play a larger role in how teaching and learning take place. He believes that for any education system to be effective moving forward from now on, must demonstrate the use of technology for e.g. artificial intelligence.


Dr. Chong Hon Yew

He holds a Doctorat de Troisieme Cycle (PhD) from Université de Grenoble, France. He specialized in Low Temperature Solid State Physics. Physics being the centre of his career and having held lecturing positions in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in 1974 and 1975 respectively. His interest in Physics has brought him closer to discovering new avenues to disseminate knowledge. His skills in the research of solid state physics and astronomy enhanced this spectrum wider. In 1986, the Astronomy Club of USM was formed where he became the club advisor. With his active encouragement, the astronomy club has been very active, promoting activities to; primary and secondary schools; kindergartens; colleges and universities; government departments and non-governmental organizations; multinational companies and the similar all over Malaysia. Dr. Chong has brought the fun and excitement of astronomy and space exploration to thousands, be them students, teachers or the public in Malaysia. In 2015, he retired from USM as an Associate Professor and formed the Astronomical Society of Penang (ASP) to be its first president.

Being able to teach at all levels, with the wide experience of Dr. Chong, METIS Institution welcomes him to the role of policy and philosophy development. His zest to share knowledge gives Metis the edge against our opposites. His demeanor towards education meets METIS’ general philosophy that knowledge is above all else.


David Yong

As the father of METIS, an acronym for Matrix Engineered Technology Integrated Society, a visioner and charterer of Metis Institution’s direction. David is responsible for product development, working closely with our education department, complying to our educational philosophy and forming new ideas. He is responsible to derive methods of learning and teaching at METIS. Having successfully implemented his SETH system in education during his endeavor with Building Blocks International, he is passionate of education, an idealist believing and striving on all children to be given the same opportunity to receive education. SETH representing the method of teaching via Streamline, Experiential, Thematic and Holistic environment. He will strive to have; students understand not memorize; mass education not elitism; harmonizing chaos not creative destruction. He requires your support to have education as the vehicle to achieve these goals. For without you, there is no me.